Monday, November 16, 2009

"Self-segregation may be chic, but critics call it self-defeating"

In an article published on the CBS Interactive site BNET Susannah Zak Figura writes about a famous Cornell University Lecturers interpretation on when segregation is deemed acceptable. She writes:
"David L. Moore, a lecturer at Cornell University's American Indian Program, believes 'self-selected separation is not segregation." Moore defends Cornell's American Indian dormitory, Akwekon (pronounced Uhg-way-gun), arguing that it provides an essential'"supportive community' for American Indian students whose cultural values are built around community"

When segregation is voluntary, no one is at fault. This certaintly doesn't mean America is still segregated!

You can view the article here:
Self-segregation may be chic, but critics call it self-defeating


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, there is a reason why segregation died in the past. Sure, in those days, it was separate and unequal segregation, but just because facilities are now "supposedly" equal does not mean that segregation now has a purpose and is now right.

There are plenty of corporations, schools, etc that talk about having diversity and how would we embrace diversity if we were to bring back segregation? Segregation would only bring about a slew of popular ideologies that are held by particular portions of society. Self segregation, to me, is simply an easy way out. It is a way for individuals to only relate to those who look like them and share the same values.


Anonymous said...

I feel like self-segregating is okay because the government doesn't have anything to do with it. Once laws are enforced then that's where controversy comes in and things get messy. People have a right to be around who they feel comfortable with.

Jessica T.